Since the opening of CanHKer.ca in October 2020, we have grown from selling one product to over 30 products in March 2021. With the support from every one of you, we have collected almost C$20,000 for various organizations benefiting the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. During this period, the management team who have already devoted time and energy also shouldered some unavoidable and unforeseeable costs for the store. To sustain the operation, there is no other option but to charge a processing fee of $5 per order to cover operating costs. This fee applies to an order with GTA delivery address, i.e. postal code starting with M or L, whether order will be delivered, shipped or picked up at designated locations.

We hope you understand our position in making this decision. With support on operating costs, we will look for opportunities to expand our products and services. To appreciate your continued support, processing fee at next order will be waived after paying this fee every three times. Make sure to use the same email address on all your purchases for us to do proper counting.

Processing fee does not apply for delivery address outside GTA. For delivery outside GTA but within Ontario, the based shipping charge will be increased from $10 to $15 per order to reflect the real charge. If actual shipping fee is higher than $15, the difference will be settled before order is shipped. Likewise for delivery outside Ontario, the based shipping charge per order will be increased from $15 to $20 plus actual difference when applicable.

在武肺封城期間和冬季月份,我們選擇將訂單自行直接送遞。當封鎖解除或天氣回暖時,我們將恢復在指定地點進行交收。在此之前,暫時只會因應個別要求安排領取物件,地點僅限烈治文山《多面体書室》及士嘉堡《利安傢俬》。從4月3日起,大家亦可選擇萬錦朗豪坊2636室 Shirley Kitchen 領取。
During the pandemic lockdown and winter months, we have chosen to deliver the orders ourselves. When lockdown eases or weather becomes milder, we’ll resume local pickup at the designated locations. Until then, local pickup is limited to the Mediarich book store in Richmond Hill and Pak Shing Furniture in Scarborough. Starting from April 3, you can also choose to pick up at Shirley Kitchen in Markham.

Thank you for supporting Hong Kong pro-democracy movement when buying from us. Stand With Hong Kong!