Payment Methods 付款方式

eTransfer for C$ Payment 支付加元

Based in Toronto Canada, prices for all items at the web store are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified. Please make payment using Interac eTransfer within 48 hours if you have a bank account in Canada. eTransfer is securely done through your bank’s web banking app and is a free service for most bank accounts.
本網店設立於加拿大多倫多,除非特別標明,所有貨品價格以加元計。若你有加拿大銀行戶口,請於 48 小時內使用 Interac eTransfer 電子轉帳付款。eTransfer 是透過你的銀行網上理財軟件送出,安全可靠,大多數銀行戶口毋需收取服務費。

Credit Card Payments 信用咭付款

We accept credit card payment through Stripe. Foreign exchange from the home currency of your credit card will be provided to carry out the transaction in C$. As a consignment store, we remit the agreed selling price of each item to its seller. Credit Card service fees will be separate and additional in your order. 

When you make credit card payment during online order, the total amount as displayed will only be authorized on your credit card. Once the total amount can be verified, the credit card will be charged. Should there be any change, e.g. due to actual shipping fee is different from estimated, the authorized amount will be cancelled. An invoice with new order amount will be issued for you to make credit card payment.

我們接受信用咭付款, 信用咭付款通過 Stripe 處理。你信用咭結算貨幣會兑換成加元進行交易。本店提供寄售服務,替賣家收取他們為每項貨品訂立的價錢,因此信用咭服務費將在訂單中另外收取。


Delivery 送遞

GTA Pickup 大多市自取

A processing fee of $5 per order is charged at checkout. This will cover the operating cost for the webstore to maintain its services.每張訂單收取服務費 5 元,用以幫補網店的營運經費。

In the Greater Toronto Area, we have made arrangement with a few yellow shops as pickup locations.  Please support these businesses when you visit them. Information provided below are for your convenience only. You are advised to contact the stores directly to obtain accurate information before heading over for pickup.

Mediarich Books and Gifts 多面体書室

550 Hwy 7 Unit 75C
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Z4
11:00 am – 5:00 pm Mon – Fri 
11:00 am – 3:00 pm Sat
Closed Sunday

Pak Shing Furniture 利安傢俬

4779 Steeles Ave E Unit 11
Scarborough, ON M1V 4S7
11:30 am – 6:00 pm Mon – Sat
11:30 am – 5:00 pm Sun

Truly Market Markham 萬錦有機慢活市集

3255 Hwy 7 E Unit 32
Markham, ON L3R 3P9
萬錦市萬錦廣場 32 號舖
289-859-4238 ext 1
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Sun – Thu 
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Fri
Closed Saturday

Shirley Bakery

8339 Kennedy Rd Unit 2636
Markham, ON L3R 5T5
萬錦市朗豪坊 2636室
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Mon – Sat 
Closed Sunday

Buyship at Victoria Park 佰駿速遞總店

7300 Victoria Park Ave Unit H,
Markham, ON L3R 1J146
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Sun – Fri
Closed Saturday

Buyship needs your cell number to provide SMS notification for pickup

Buyship at North York 佰駿速遞北約克合作點

57 Spring Garden Ave,
North York, ON M2N 3G1
10:00 am – 9:00 pm All days

Buyship needs your cell number to provide SMS notification for pickup

GTA Delivery 大多市郵遞

We suggest you to use one of the pickup locations whenever possible. If delivery is required, shipping charge by Canada Post or UPS will be added to the order.
我們建議您盡可能在其中一個地點自行取貨。若果需要郵寄,加拿大郵政或 UPS 費用將付加於訂單。

Canadian Delivery 加拿大郵遞

Canada Post or UPS will be used to deliver order to an address anywhere in Canada. Shipping fee will be added to order total.
貨品將會使用加拿大郵政或 UPS 寄往加拿大任何地方。落單時將會加上郵費。

US Delivery 美國郵遞

Canada Post or UPS will be used to deliver order to an address in USA. 
貨品將會使用 UPS 速加拿大郵政送往美國。落單時將會加上郵費。

Other Locations 其他地區

We are slowly adding more countries to ship orders. Your order amount will be authorized on credit card with C$30 added as shipping charged. Once shipping charge can be determined, a new invoice will be issued through email for you to make credit card payment again. Please contact us if your country is not in the list.
我們正逐步接受不同國家的郵遞訂單。訂單金額加上 C$30 郵費先在信用咭取得授權,當得到確實以電郵發出新帳單,讓你再次用信用咭付款。若你所屬國家並無列出,請與我們聯絡