Auction 拍賣 :Painting “Lennon Wall” 【連儂牆】

acrylic painting 18″x24″ by Ricker Choi

Net proceeds after expenses from the auction will be donated to the Hongkonger Station.

Bidding is open to everyone in the Greater Toronto Area as well as outside the region.

拍賣價以加元計 Bid price in CAD$

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Lennon Wall 【連儂牆】

畫作拍賣所得收益扣除開支後將捐予多倫多《香港台》。Ricker 會扣除成交價 10% 為作畫材料開支,讓他能繼續創作。
Net proceeds after expenses from the auction will be donated to the Hongkonger Station. Ricker will retain 10% of final price to cover painting supplies for his further creation.

畫作將免費送往 PICKUP 網頁所列城市任何一個地點。如有需要,網店可以代為速遞物件往世界各地,運費於成交後再行確定,由買家支付。
Painting will be delivered free of charge to a location in one of the cities published in the PICKUP page. The store will ship the paintings to destinations world-wide upon request. Buyer will pay for actual shipping charge to be determined after purchase has been made.

使用 UPS 運往不同城市的運費估算(已包括 C$2000 投保額的保費及包裝費):
Estimated UPS Expedited shipping to selected locations (including premium for insured value of C$2000 and packaging materials):

  • C$130 + HST to Vancouver, BC
  • C$150 to San Francisco, CA
  • C$200 to Hong Kong
  • C$200 to London, UK

To participate in auction, it is important to fill in your basic information in Billing Address upon registration. This allows the store to make contact with the bidders. Bidders’ identities will remain anonymous unless provided with explicit consent.

Additional information

Made in 產地

Provided by 提供

Beneficiary 受惠者


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