光時砌圖 Liberate HK Puzzle

15″ x 21″ 500 pc

Bidding is open to everyone in the Greater Toronto Area as well as outside the region.

拍賣價以加元計 Bid price in CAD$


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15″ x 21″ 500 pc

此砌圖印上 2019 年香港反送中重要理程,由 Dog Rider 限量印制,早前在香港「重光號」網店發售。今天光時口號被禁,「重光號」已改名,砌圖亦停止發售,整個香港面目全非。無論港共政權如何掩蓋歷史,真相永遠不容否定。


The puzzle is made by Dog Rider and Cung Gwong Hou in Hong Kong. It is no longer on sale because the slogan on the puzzle violates the National Security Law in Hong Kong. This puzzle records the significant events during Hong Kong’s protest in 2019. No matter how hard the Hong Kong and Chinese governments try to hide and erase the history, we will pass the truth on as much as we can.

The puzzle is donated by an anonymous donor. The winning bid price will 100% benefit the Toronto Hong Kong Parents Group.

Bidding is open to everyone in the Greater Toronto Area as well as outside the region.

Bid price in CAD$

To participate in auction, it is important to fill in your basic information in Billing Address soon after registration. This allows the store to make contact with bidders, particularly the winner. All bidders’ identities will remain anonymous unless provided with explicit consent.

The magazine will be delivered free of charge to a GTA location. The store will ship the it to any world-wide destination upon request. Buyer will pay for actual shipping charge to be determined after purchase has been made.

本店接受 Interac eTransfer 支付加元或 Zelle 支付美元。其他貨幣請用信用咭通過 Stripe 支付(附加手續費)。
We accept Interac eTransfer for C$ or Zelle for US$. Any other currency will be accepted using credit card through Stripe (processing fees will apply).

Additional information

Beneficiary 受惠者

Made in 產地


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