榮光歸香港擺設 Glory to Hong Kong Panel
$10.00 – $20.00
100% of the sale price will be donated to TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund to assist those who have fled Hong Kong into Canada and are in critical need.
榮光歸香港歌詞擺設 Glory to Hong Kong Lyric Panel
Every sentence of the Glory to Hong Kong lyrics is separately laminated and pasted on a wood-framed canvas. The panel is a beautiful addition on your desk or on the wall. It is meticulously created by those involved in the Liberate Hong Kong Square.
貼上全首歌詞的大畫板 12″ x 9″,每套 $20。
The 12″ x 9″ large canvas set at $20 each has the lyrics of the whole song.
貼上自選一句歌詞的細畫板 7″ x 5″,每套 $10。除原裝畫布外,亦可選擇人手加上底色、每塊獨一無二的畫板。歌詞選擇亦加入數句「問我」歌詞,為香港人繼續唱,與香港人繼續撑。
The 7″ x 5″ small canvas set at $10 each has your own selection of one sentence from the lyrics. In addition to the raw canvas, you can also choose one with colors uniquely hand-painted on. The choice of lyrics has been expanded to include sentences for the song “Ask Me”. For Hongkongers to continue singing, and Hongkongers to keep standing strong.
起初定下每套售價的 40% 捐往多倫多香港人道援助基金,現改為全數捐出用以支持流亡加國有迫切需要的香港手足,不會扣除成本。
Originally, it was established that 40% of the sale price would be donated to TADC Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund. It is now changed to 100% donated to assist those who have fled Hong Kong into Canada and are in critical need without recovering any costs.
For the selected sentence on a small panel, please enter one of the numbers below into the order form:
- 何以這土地淚再流
- 何以令眾人亦憤恨
- 昂首拒默沉吶喊聲響透
- 盼自由歸於這裡
- 何以這恐懼抹不走
- 何以為信念從沒退後
- 何解血在流但邁進聲響透
- 建自由光輝香港
- 在晚星墜落徬徨午夜
- 迷霧裡最遠處吹來號角聲
- 捍自由來齊集這裡來全力抗對
- 勇氣智慧也永不滅
- 黎明來到要光復這香港
- 同行兒女為正義時代革命
- 祈求民主與自由萬世都不朽
- 我願榮光歸香港
- 無論我有百般對或者千般錯
- 全心去承受結果
- 面對世界一切那怕會如何
- 全心保存真的我
Please contact us if you wish to have English lyrics for “Glory to Hong Kong”.
Additional information
Beneficiary 受惠者 | |
Made in 產地 | |
Provided by 提供 |
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