Witnessing political persecutions one after another by the CCP-Hong Kong government, lots of people in Hong Kong have no choice but to flee their home and apply for refugee status in other countries. Many of them, especially the young ones, are facing financial difficulties when stranded alone outside Hong Kong.

We are a group of parents in Toronto emigrated from Hong Kong. All of us have a common desire: offer our helping hands to the young Hong Kong refugee claimants for their settlement, living, and legal support in Canada, particularly in Ontario. To that end, we are on the constant look out of yellow products as fundraising items to finance our effort. We assure you the funds raised, net of necessary expenses, will be used towards the benefits of these refugee claimants. A portion of the funds will be also used as seed money to source additional yellow products for more fundraising items to sustain the movement and to amplify its benefits. 
我們是一群從香港移居加拿大多倫多的父母,大家抱着一個共同的理念:特別向年輕的香港難民申請者伸出援手,為他們在加拿大,尤其是安大略省的定居、生活和法律上作出適當的支援。為此,我們一直在留意及選購不同「黃絲文宣物品」作為義賣來籌款。 我們在此向您保證,籌集的資金扣除一切正常開支後,將會全數用來幫助這些從香港逃亡到加拿大的香港政治難民。 當中一部分款項將作為資金,繼續採購其他「黃絲文宣物品」義賣,令行動能持續進行,令效果更加顯著。

We always tried to do something to help those Hongkong protesters as we were one of them. We hope to support Hong Kong in the future and to help Hong Kongers in the Hong Kong Democracy Movements.

website: http://www.thkparents.ca