Since June last year, Hong Kong people have fought for democracy. Rallies, suppression, disappearances have drawn scars that will never heal. Their screams have not only awakened Hong Kongers, but also those abroad. Ricker Choi, moved to Toronto 30 years ago, is one of them. After the “721 Yuen Long” attack, Ricker began to paint to express his emotions. In his first painting, he imitated Munch’s “The Scream”, but substituted with subjects from the incident such as mafia in white and China’s red five-star flag to allude to what happened that day. “The sacrifice of HK protesters have won the awakening of Hong Kong people, of those like me outside of Hong Kong, and of Western society: that CCP is an absolutely evil regime, but the price to Hong Kong people is too high.” At present, Ricker has created more than 40 works. “Lion Rock” and “Save 12 Hong Kong Youths” are the ones that resonate most with Hong Kong people. Please visit Ricker’s personal web site for more information about him.

自去年6月起,香港人爭取民主,抗爭從無間斷。一次接一次遊行、集會、佔領、被打壓,甚至失蹤,在許多人心中劃上永不痊癒的傷疤。這些吶喊除了讓更多香港人覺醒,也喚醒許多已移居外地多年的港人。移居多倫多30多年,從政治冷感到主動籌備義賣活動的Ricker Choi是其中一人。發生「721」元朗恐襲後,Ricker開始作畫抒發情感。第一幅畫作,他彷效了蒙克的《吶喊》,用白衣人、紅色五星旗等素材來影射當日發生的事,「手足犧牲換取而來的是香港人的醒覺,我們身在外地的香港人也醒覺,也讓西方主流社會得知,中共是一個邪惡政權,但代價太大。」目前,Ricker已創作40多幅作品,迴響最大的,莫過於以去年中秋節、獅子山上人鏈為主題的《Lion Rock》,和最近為「12港人」而畫的《Save 12 Hong Kong Youths》。 大家可以溜覽 Ricker 的個人網頁去了解更多。

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