Vancouver Society in Support of Democracy Movement (VSSDM) collaborates with Vancouver Parent Groups providing financial support and settlement supports to help Hong Kong Pro-Democracy protesters who arrive in Canada to obtain refugee status.
Financial support and settlement supports include:
- legal fees for refugee claim if applicable
- referral to legal aid if possible
- temporary housing and help with finding permanent housing
- help with registering for mandatory federal and provincial programs and medical insurance
- support with job seeking
- providing living expenses for those who are actively seeking but not yet able to obtain a job
- orientation to the community
- referrals to other refugee programs
VSSDM highly appreciates your support for the movement over the past few months. We should be very grateful again if you would continue your support for the unprecedented movement through donation and purchase our item. Every dime received will be used prudently and meaningfully. Save our activists, save Hong Kong.
- 難民要求的法律費用(如適用)
- 如果可能,轉介法律援助
- 臨時住房,並幫助尋找永久住房
- 幫助註冊聯邦和省級計劃以及醫療保險
- 幫助找尋工作
- 為那些正在積極尋找但仍無法找到工作的人提供生活費用
- 融入社區
- 轉介到其他難民方案
溫⽀聯非常感謝你們過往對運動的⽀持。我們再度感謝你們能夠繼續透過捐 款或購買我們的物品,⽀援這場史無前例的抗爭運動。你們的每分捐款及支持極具意義和被善⽤。拯救抗爭者,拯救⾹港。
Financial Update 財務信息
For period ending January 4, 2021 截至2021年1月4日
Item | Qty | Amount |
Face Mask 布口罩 | 28 | $560.00 |
I am from Hong Kong Name Tag 「我係香港人」掛牌 | 5 | $75.00 |
Extra Support to VSSDM 支持温支聯 | $5.00 | |
Total Amount Collected as of 2021-01-02 | $640.00 | |
Transferred on 2021-01-04 | ($640.00) | |
Remaining Balance | $0.00 |
For period ending March 31, 2021 截至2021年3月31日
Item | Qty | Amount |
Balance Forward 2021-01-04 | $0.00 | |
Face Mask 布口罩 | 2 | $40.00 |
I am from Hong Kong Name Tag 「我係香港人」掛牌 | 2 | $30.00 |
Total Amount Collected as of 2021-03-31 | $70.00 | |
Transferred on 2021-02-23 | ($30.00) | |
Remaining Balance | $40.00 |