WeFund.hk 是售賣本土產造產品的網店。生於斯,長於斯,面對困難不退縮、不忍讓、不妥協。回水製作一直有不定時捐款至612人道支援基金,亦有聘請兼職手足。我們十分歡迎設計師手足於本店寄賣商品,希望以可持續發展的方式推動黃色經濟圈,詳情將於 Facebook 專頁公佈。
Financial Update 財務信息
For period ending March 31, 2021 截至2021年3月31日
Item | Qty | Amount |
Umbrella 雨傘 – Yellow 黃色 | 4 | $128.00 |
Umbrella 雨傘 – Black 黒色 | 2 | $66.00 |
Umbrella 雨傘 – Be Water | 8 | $264.00 |
Umbrella 雨傘 – Lennon Wall 連儂牆 | 5 | $166.00 |
A4Folder 文件夾 | 10 | $140.00 |
香港人日曆2021 | 6 | $335.00 |
《信晰》2021 年座枱月曆 | 2 | $55.00 |
Total Collected as of 2021-03-31 | $1154.00 | |
Transferred on 2021-02-16 | ($373.00) | |
Transferred on 2021-03-24 | ($334.07) | |
CanHKer paid shipping on 2021-02-17 ** | ($121.12) | |
CanHKer paid shipping on 2021-03-19 ** | ($76.79) | |
Remaining Balance | $249.02 |
** Product prices include shipping cost from HK to Canada covered by CanHKer.
** 產品售價包含香港至加拿大的運費,由《香港多得你》支付。