香港加油紋身貼紙 Hong Kong Add Oil Tattoo


Hong Kong Add Oil temporary tattoo is a perfect compliment to go out for protest during summer.




扣除成本後,售價 2/3 捐往多倫多香港人道援助基金

顏色 Color:黑 black
尺吋 Size:3″ x 1.7″
每個 Each Piece: $3
每排六個 Sheet of 6:$15

Hong Kong Add Oil temporary tattoo is a perfect compliment to go out for protest during summer.

Tattoo is made in Canada. Lead- and mercury-free, it is suitable to child and adult.

After the cost, 2/3 of sale price will be donated to TADC Toronto Hong Kong Humanitarian Fund.

使用方法 Application:

  1. 用剪刀盡量剪去圖案旁邊空白部份
    Use a pair of scissors to trim to as close to the pattern as possible
  2. 用肥皂水清洗及擦乾紋身皮膚部位及雙手
    Wash with soapy water and dry the skin where tattoo will be applied and your hands
  3. 揭開塑料層,將紋身圖案朝下,放置於皮膚表面
    Remove the plastic layer and place the tattoo graphic face down onto your skin
  4. 用清水濕透布或海綿再覆蓋整個紋身,保持 10-15 秒讓整個紋身背纸濕透
    Soak cloth or sponge with clear water then cover the entire backing paper with for 10-15 seconds
  5. 慢慢揭去背纸,讓紋身風乾
    Slowly peel off the backing paper and let tattoo air dry

紋身於 2-5 日後自行脱落,或用嬰兒油濕透紋身後從皮膚上擦掉。
Tattoo will fall off 2-5 days later. Or soak tattoo with baby oil and rub it off your skin.

Additional information

Beneficiary 受惠者

Made in 產地

Provided by 提供


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